Bayram Hajizadeh ( Azerbaijan)

Doctor Ph.D.

President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists' Union.

Honoured Art Worker.  


- Was born in Baku, Azerbaijan1968.

- Finished Azerbaijan State Artists' School named after A.Azimzadeh in 1987.

- Graduated from the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art in 1994.

- Has been working as a cartoonist since 1985.

- Is the member of the Journalists' Union since 1999.

- Is the member of the Azerbaijan Artists' Union since 2005.

- Is the Chief-editor of the magazine 'We & Cartoon' since 2006.

- Is the President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists' Union since 2006.

- The President of FECO group Azerbaijan 2006.

- Is the participant awarder of the Republic and International exhibitions.

- He is the author of 6 books and nearly 50 monographs and articles in the field of cartoon.

- Since 2005 he is engaged in research work named 'The Development of Cartoon in Azerbaijan'.

- Is the Honoured Art Worker of the Azerbaijan Republic 2007.   


- 2005 - Molla Nasreddin -100 International Cartoon 'Contest I Prize - Azerbaijan Baku

- 2005 - Leng Mu International Cartoon Contest Gold Prize - China

- 2006 - DICACO International Cartoon Contest 'Best cartoon'  Special Prize - Korea

- 2007 - Clausurada la XV Bienal International de Humorismo Grafico Humor General Primer Premio - Cuba

- 2007 - Clausurada la XV Bienal International de Humorismo Grafico Satira Politica Honour Prize-Cuba

- 2007 - Third International Cartoon Contest Special Prize- Syria

- 2007 - Fourth International Cartoon Contest Kozuchow Honorable Mention.-Poland

- 2007 - Homer Davenport International Cartoon Contest Publics Choice award - USA.

- 2007 - DICACO International Cartoon Contest 'Best cartoon'  Special Prize - Korea

- 2007 - The First International Cartoon Contest NAJI Al, ALI Success Award ' Syria.

- 2007 - 1st International Cartoon Contest Zeytin Special Prize ' Cyprus.

- 2007 - II Zikison International Contest of Caricature and Short Comic Strip Third Prize - Serbia.

- 2007 - 6th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival Selected Prize-China.

- 2007 - Leng Mu International Cartoon Contest Honorable Mentions Prize- China.

- 2008 - Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival Special Prize of jury - Turkey.

- 2008 - 4th International Cartoon Contest Honorable mention-Syria.

- 2008 - 14th International Cartoon Exhibition - Haifa

- 2008 -  Honorable mention - Isral.

- 2008 - Southasian Cartoon Competition Honorable mention - Nepal.

- 2008 - The World Festival Of Humour 'Football Dictature' Special Prize - Romania.

- 2008 - Leng Mu International Cartoon Contest Bronze medal.- China.

- 2008 - 4th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition. Excellent work- China 2008

- 2009 - First International Cartoon Competition. Diplomas Of Honor - Ethiopia.

- 2009 - International competition on drawing for women - "Jaka bede" Bronze medal - Poland 2009.



Raed Khalil ( Syria )

I was born in 1/3/1973, in Syria. "Syrian cartoonist.I have begun the publication since 1988. Director of Syria cartoon

President of Syrian International Cartoon Contest.

On 2005 I organized the first SYRIAN International Cartoon Contest.

Member of jury in "occupation" cartoon contest / Iran 2006.
Member of the Jury in the 27th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon-Turkey2007.
Member of jury in " AMAZON FOREST" cartoon contest / Brazil 2007.
Member of jury in Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus2007.
Member of jury in "6th Free Cartoons Web / " cartoon contest / China 2007
Member of jury in "7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest/ Iran 2008
Member of jury in "GAZA" cartoon contest in Iran 2008.
Member of jury in +G8; international cartoon web contest  Baku - Azerbaijan 2008
Member of jury in Nature & Man Cartoon Contest 2008 (Drought & Water) -Turkey 2008
Member of jury in Syrian journalists exhibition 2008

I contributed to many national and international competitions and won various awards.


1989 First prize/ Damascus/ Syrian youth festival.
1989 honorable prize/ Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus-Syria
1992 Second prize Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus--Syria
1995   honorable prize/ Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus-Syria
1995 First prize/ teachers united /Syria.
2001  honorable prize/ Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus-Syria
2002  prize for Excellence / leng mu / China .
2003 appreciation plate / golagha(2) / Iran.
2003 Third prize / Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus-Syria
2003 Winning prize / courage world / Taiwan
2003 prize for Excellence / leng mu / China
2003 Special prize /Ramiz Gokce/ Cyprus
2003 Honorable mentions / first international satire(comedy)Iran
2003 Selected Cartoon (certificate) / spirito di vino / Italy.
2004 Honor Diploma / Anadolu University the museum of world education cartoons - Turkey.
2004 Best of Best:FCW TOP1000 Cartoonists/ China.
2004 Encouraging Award / Baku / Azerbaijan.
2004 Special prize /Ministry of health / Syria.
2004 Success Award / 2nd Free Cartoons Web / China.
2004 Selected Month Cartoon fcw - Month- Cartoon Competition (March edition) prize /China
2004 Honorable mentions ( Footnet Cartoon Contest 2004)/ Iran.
2004 prize for Excellence / leng mu / China.
2004 Honorable mentions/the13 - Daejon international cartoon contest / Korea.
2004 Bronze prize/ third free cartoons web/ China .
2005 The letter of appreciation/ international cartoon festival /Tabriz-Iran.
2005 Special mentions/Spirito di vino / Italy.
2005 Honorable mentions/ Bird 2005/ China.
2005 Excellent Prize/ the 2nd WINE International Invitation Cartoon Exhibition / China.
2005 Honorable mentions/the14 - Daejon international cartoon contest / Korea.
2005 Silver prize/ THE 4 the free cartoons web/ China.
2005 Special Honor prize / the 4 the LM / China Cartoon Competition/China..
2005 The prize of excellence -International cartoon contest (HUMODAEVA) -Romania
2005 Web Prizes - International cartoon contest (HUMODAEVA) -Romania
2006 First prize / Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus-Syria
2006 Special Awards/ Holocaust  Cartoon Contest-Iran
2006 Second prize/ "Zikison" / Serbia
2006 Best cartoon /the15 - Daejon international cartoon contest / Korea
2006 Bronze prize/ THE 5 the free cartoons web/ China.
2007 Special prize/ the first international cartoon contest - Ardabil /Iran
2007 Honorable mentions /The First Int'l China Olympic Cartoon Competition/ China
2007 Honorable mentions / the 5 the LM / China Cartoon Competition/China..
2007 First prize/1st "Nature and Man International Cartoon Contest/Turkey
2007 Special Mention: 6th EURO-FRUITCARTOONALE 2007 / Belgium
2007 Honorable mentions/the16 - Daejon international cartoon contest / Korea.
2007 Selected Cartoon/The First International Cartoon Contest of Cheval Blanc- Fireman / France
2007 Prize for Excellence / leng mu / China
2007 Excellent Prize / first "RED MAN" International Cartoon Humour Competition/ China
2008 Honorable mentions/1st Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists - 2008 / Brazil
2008 Honorable mentions/ the first International Cartoonet -Supporting Street Children/Iran
2008 Excellent Prize /2nd "RED MAN" International Cartoon Humour Competition/ China
2008 Honorable Mention /3 rd international cartoon Exhibition- Anadolu University -Turkey.
2008 special Mention/ 13 international cartoon Exhibition- Zagreb -Croatia
2008 Special prize/ of Ken Sprague International Cartoon Competition- Earthworks , UK
2008 Honorary diploma / the 18th International Cartoon Competition 'Gura Humorului - Romania
2008 Second prize /Drought & Water" International Cartoon Contest(June) /Turkey
2008 APPRECIATION PRIZE / International Summer Camp Cartoon Contest ' We head toward seas'  Turkey
2008 2003 First prize / Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus-Syria
2008 Best cartoon /the17 - Daejon international cartoon contest / Korea

Cartoonist in (ANNOUR) Newspaper (Weekly), and (AL BA,ATH) newspaper (Daily), Damascus.
Some of exhibitions are:
10 ones in Syria. and Belgium- Italy -Turkey- Japan- Iran -Poland- Cyprus- China Taiwan- Azerbaijan Kenya- Brazil ......Etc.

syriacartoon web site:



Julian Pena Pai ( Romania)


Born in April 14, 1948 in Giurgiu, lives and works in Ploiesti. The School of Fine Arts and Technical College of Architecture.

He started drawing in 1973 in URZICA-Humour Magazine.

He published over 4000 cartoons in magazines and newspapers in Romania and other countries. He illustrated 7 humour books. Since 1991 he is a freelancer and worked for : OPINIA PUBLICA, ZIARUL FINANCIAR, SOCUL COTIDIAN, CUGET LIBER, JURNALUL DE PRAHOVA, GAZETA PRAHOVEI, PRAHOVA, MONITORUL and VIATA PRAHOVEI daily newspapers.

Since 2007 he is cartoonist-editorialist at TELEGRAFUL DE PRAHOVA daily newspaper.

Cartoonist of the Year 2002 in Romania.

Since 1993 at ECHINOX publishing house, art director.

Personal exhibitions: Ploiesti 1980, 1986, 1988, 1993, Giurgiu 1983, 1991, Bucharest 1984, 2006,Braila 2008, Fredrikstad 1990(Norway), Tolentino 2001(Italy), and Tehran 2004 (Iran).


- 85 international prizes

- 23 national prizes


He was member of the international jury at Anglet 1986 (France), Istanbul N.Hodja1997 ( Turkey), Beijing2004 ( China), Tabriz2004 ( Iran), Sofia 2007 ( Bulgaria) and Aydin Dogan 2007 ( Turkey).




Str. Primaverii 27A



Email :

Web site:


Rahim Baggal Asghari ( Iran)


Im Rahim Baqqal Asghari. I was born in 1975. I started to draw cartoons about 12 years ago. I drew cartoons for Jovalduz magazine.

I have been a member of jury in many international contests. At the moment, I am the director of Tabriz Cartoon Association. I also have an art school named Arsoy




Ismail Kar ( Turkey)


Ismail KAR ISKOC, was born in Adana-Turkey, 1962. He graduated from Uludag Universty-Faculty of Education, department of Picture-Graphic in Bursa-Turkey.

His first cartoon was edited in a youth magazines in 1979. He worked at newspapers, magazines as a cartoonist, a graphicer and a page secretary. He opened his private exhibition in Bursa Devlet G|zel Sanatlar Galerisi (Bursa Fine Art Gallery of Government) in 1984.

He joined some different exhibitions as private and mixed in Turkey and abroad and his cartoons were edited in some international catalogs and he took some rewards. He still works as an art teacher in Seyhan-Adana-Turkey.

He is a member of Turkish Cartoonist Association. İsmail KAR member of (APCA) Ameteur-Profesional Cartoonists Associations.

Brilliant web site of leading Turkish Cartoonist and illustrator İsmail KAR,who draws under the pen name 'ISKOC'.



Address : ISMAIL KAR



Tlf : 0 505 815 15 62

e-mail:,, ,


Aswini and Abani ( India)

Professionally Aswini kumar Rath, Ph. D. is a Lecturer in Botany while his younger sibling Abani Kumar Rath, M.Sc. is an Officer in a public sector Insurance Organisation. They are working jointly in the field of Cartooning for the last two decades & represent the only Cartoonist Brother Duo of the World under the banner 'aswiniabani'. They have numerous publications in the form of Cartoons, Caricatures, Comic Strips, Illustrations, Cover-pages, Logos etc. in both print and electronic media.



→Cartoon exhibited in the prestigious 'First International Saloon of Graphic Humor-Lima-2008, Peru'. 

Honourable Mention prize in the 15th 'Daejeon International Cartoon Contest, 2006 Seoul, Korea.

Honourable Mention prize in the 16th ' Daejeon International Cartoon Contest, 2007 Seoul, Korea.

Honourable Mention prize in the 17th ' Daejeon International Cartoon Contest, 2008 Seoul, Korea.

→Special Mention prize in the '2nd FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival', China, 2003.

Honourable Mention prize in the '1st Indian International Cartoon Contest', Organized by FPC, 2004.

→First Prize in the Open Cartoon Contest organized by Bhilai Steel Plant ( M.P.),1993 .

→First Prize in the Open Cartoon Contest organized by Bhilai Steel Plant ( M.P.),1994.

→First Prize in the Open Cartoon Contest organized by The New Indian Express, 2001.

→First Prize in the Omkar Memorial Cartoon Contest organized by Govt. of Orissa.

→Prize in the Cartoon Competition organized by The Hindustan Times, New Delhi.

→Consolation Prize in the Cartoon Competition organized by National Cancer Foundation , New Delhi.

→'Gurusri Prafulla Pradhan Young Talent Award' by Pancham.

Adjudged Best Cartoonist of the Year 1994 on the occasion of Local Self Govt. Day.

→Felicitated by Prajatantra Prachar Samiti on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of "Prajatantra ".

→Felicitated by Lions Club.

→Felicitated by Rudra Awhan.

Honoured by Zilla Lekhaka Parisad, Bolangir.

Honoured by Barpali College on the Occasion of Basanti Festival.




Web site-

Ph.No. - +91-6652-250005 ( R )